主讲人: | Yu-Chin Hsu |
主讲人简介: | Yu-Chin Hsu is a research fellow in Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica and an adjunct professor in several universities in Taiwan, China. His research focuses on econometrics. |
主持人: | 洪永淼 |
讲座简介: | We present recent developments in double machine learning (DML) approach. The DML approach is concerned primarily with selecting the relevant control variables and functional forms necessary for the consistent estimation of an average treatment effect. We explain why the use of orthogonal moment conditions is crucial in this setting. We also discuss how DML approach can be applied to estimate the conditional average treatment effect (CATE) function conditional on a pre-specified coordinate. |
时间: | 2022-11-22 (Tuesday) 16:30-18:00 |
地点: | 中科院数学与系统科学研究院南楼N204 (线下主会场)、厦大经济楼N302(线下分会场)、腾讯会议:375 8612 5504 |
讲座语言: | 中文 |
主办单位: | 中国科学院大学经济与管理学院、中国科学院预测科学研究中心、永利集团3044官网欢迎您邹至庄经济研究院、NSFC"计量建模与经济政策研究”基础科学中心 |
承办单位: | |
期数: | “邹至庄讲座”青年学者论坛(第42期) |
联系人信息: | 许老师,电话:0592-2182991,邮箱:ysxu@xmu.edu.cn |